Crazy Love is Crazy,

A crazy person might be considered normal by someone who saw a unicorn in the restroom, or someone who found his beloved wife cheating with his colleague. A normal person might be considered crazy by someone who longed for anything but a mundane life, or someone who hated social norms, who lived for a rush of adrenaline every now and then.

You might want to think about that thin line between normal and crazy after you read the Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick.

I watched the movie first before I read the book. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper did a good job with their acting parts, so good that I had to re-watch it for about 3 or 4 times before I finally decided that I need to know more about the plot and actually searched for the book that inspired the movie script.


The book is as good as the movie and I’m glad that I made the choice.

I think the one thing that made this an addictive book/movie (for me) is the fact that the plot isn’t just your typical romantic comedy flick. The hero and the heroine are mental patients, the outcasts, they found mutual interest in a topic like what kind of anti-depressants you hated the most, they aimed for something even more random like local dancing competition. One of them is obsessed in the idea of a silver lining in every cloud that hazes your sunny day, and one of them is trying to accommodate the other’s craziness by being supportive of every theories and fantasy the other one currently believes.

It does sound like a chaos in the making, someone might get hurt from it, but come on, aren’t they cute?

Well, for a romantic comedy story with so much of contemplative contents on the side, I believe that Pat and Tiffany (the two main characters) did a great job. Their heads might high in the clouds but they are the cutest and the most grounded couple in the world of crazies ;).

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